Trusted Solution for Your Regulatory Compliance

Trusted by Prominent Companies
Regulatory Compliance System
A platform launched by Hukumonline to monitor company regulatory compliance comprehensively and in detail in real-time. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, Regulatory Compliance System can increase levels of confidence in your company.
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Solution Offers
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Guarantee That You're Always Up-to-Date with the Latest Regulatory Updates
Support for 160.000+ laws and regulations at every level from central regulations to regional regulations sourced from trusted and up to date data centers from Hukumonline.

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Streamline the Company's Audit Process
Assist your company's audit team by presenting legal compliance audit data more easily and comprehensively. RCS can minimize audit findings by up to 70%

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Monitoring and Fulfillment of Legal Obligations #MakingItEasier
Extracting every legal obligation into actionable items, streamlining the process and making it five times quicker to fulfiill legal obligations.

Best Features
Intuitive Dashboard
Automatic Content Update
Compliance Monitor
Intuitive Dashboard
With an easy-to-understand dashboard display, Regulatory Compliance System helps users to gain an overview of the conditions for fulfilling the obligations of their companies.
Industry Based Solution
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Through Darkness into Light: Personal Data Protection in Indonesia 
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Article and Insights
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Platform Regulatory Compliance System (RCS) dari Hukumonline membantu memfasilitasi Tim Legal Compliance Traveloka dan pemangku kepentingan internal dalam memastikan aspek-aspek operasional perusahaan telah memenuhi kewajiban hukum berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

Terlebih lagi, fitur Automatic Content Update dari RCS memberikan akses informasi dan regulasi hukum terkini, sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu referensi sumber hukum utama kami.

PT Trinusa Travelindo , Traveloka
Media Publications media publicationkatadata media publicationmediaindonesia media media media media publicationliputan6 media media publicationkatadata media publicationmediaindonesia media media media media publicationliputan6 media publication
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